Build to Suit
for SALE
- (1)(0) 60'x60' GA Hangar - SOLD
- (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
- LOTS (additional opportunities - inquire)
- (8)(3) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - coming 2025
- (4)(3) 60'x60' GA Hangar -
- LOTS (additional opportunities - inquire)
- (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
- (10)(0) 60'x60' GA Hangar - SOLD
- (1)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
- (1)(0) 50'x50' GA Hangar (available)
- (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - one lot left
- (7)(0) 60'x60' GA Hangar - SOLD
- Airport just completed $15mm upgrades and now has a 7600'x100' runway.
- (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
- (0) 100x100 Commercial Hangar w/ apron - SOLD
- BROCHURE (not a Beacon Built/helping an aviation professional)
- (4)(1) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
- LOTS (lease request in progress)
- (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangars
*denotes hangars are complete or in process
120'x100' Executive Hangar with 105'x28' door -
120'x100' Executive Hangar with 105'x28' door (multiple)
9,000 SF Office @ 2390 Overlook Dr
(13)(1) (OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE) or call 800.700.5107
120'x100' Executive Hangar with 105'x28' door
12,000 SF Office @ Roger Sedam Drive
(8)(8) (OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE) or call 800.700.5107
60'x60' GA Hangar leased
50'x50' GA Hangar leased
120'x100' Executive Hangar (105'x28' door)
CONTACT US or call/text 800.700.5107
**updated 1/23/25
Afton, WY
Billings, MT
Cody, WY
Dillon, MT
Hamilton, MT
Kalispell, MT
60'x60' General Aviation Hangar
56'x16' Higher Power Door (turboprops/light jets)
One walk thru doors, two 4'x4' windows, one 12'x10' garage door
Insulated with R21 in the walls and R50 in the ceiling
Eight LED lights & one exterior light, outlets including one 200amp
Finished out with sheetrock
Steel Exterior (colors) (1 walls/1 trim & roof)
Water & sewer stubbed in for future build out
Options: painted interior, epoxy/acid/polished floor, heat.
120'x100' Executive Hangar
100'x28' Higher Power Door (most all corporate jets)
Two walk thru doors, two 12'x10' garage doors
Insulated with R30 in the walls and R40 in the ceiling
Sixteen interior LED lights & exterior lighting, outlets & one 200amp
Finished out with white wrapped insulation
Steel Exterior (colors) (1 walls/1 trim & roof)
Water & sewer stubbed in for future build out
Three 175,000 BTU radiant heaters
Options: epoxy/acid/polished floor, recommend 120'x120' w/ 105'x28' door for super heavies including GLBX+ and G700+.
Door Features
We don't speak in marketing lingo... we speak from first-hand experience. We have spent hours researching, buying, installing, and operating different doors over the years, and we believe we have found the best. Installing a brand new door is one thing--operating 50+ years old doors is another. Having owned, managed, and operated hundreds of doors over the years, we have seen the problems which lead to the development of Higher Power doors. Simply put, no cables, no straps, and no latches. The whole thing goes up and the whole thing comes down with fewer moving pieces, leaving you a nicely sealed hangar each time. The benefits include:
Does not load your building. Doors need only a common-framed opening.
Fast operation - Patent roller/cam door system makes the door the fastest in the industry, and it has a 3-point auto-lock safety system built into each side.
Door sizes - Custom designed to fit your opening, up to 188 feet wide and up to 40 feet high.
Simple straight-up/down hydraulic operation - Works with a low power, low pressure, hydraulic two-cylinder system. The pistons push straight up so there are no horizontal stresses to bend the cylinders.
Head room - The door opening loses nothing horizontally, but does require 6-1/2" of head room depending on door size.
Starts by moving straight up and unlocks automatically at the same time - When opening, the door moves straight up 4 to 6 inches. This breaks the door loose from snow and ice, and eliminates problems of frost-producing ground heave and unlocks the door automatically for you.
Energy-saving weather seals - Door has rubber weather seals on the top and bottom, and double seals on both sides.
Wind loading - Normally 115 mph, but can be designed to meet your local codes.
Stiffening truss - Positioned mid-point on door to allow complete snow removal and easy access to pass-through door.
Electrical power required - 240VAC single phase or 460VAC three phase, or 12 to 24-volt DC.
Special Options - Power options come in AC or DC options. The door truss has alternative installation locations to include on the inside. There are also multiple controller options to include new wireless remotes which have proven to be a popular option.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
May I live in my hangar? We get this question a lot and the simple answer is if the airport receives AIP funding then the answer is no as the land is for aeronautical use unless released by the FAA. Airparks and such are the best answer if your looking to live in your hangar. Here are two links to further educate yourself on the subject. Article 1, Article 2.
Do I own the land? The answer is no. Public airports are owned and operated by the city/county/state and governed by the FAA as they receive federal funds. You have the ability to lease the land on the airports terms which typically are 10-40 years and generally are renewable.
Floor Options
We use the industry's BEST floor finishers that are proven and provide results that our customers rave about. They can provide anything you dream from basic acid stains to epoxy's and polished finishes. You have a logo or brand? They'll put it on your floor too! The process is intricate and experience brings perfection.
We provide a limited amount of hangar space for lease, mostly on a long term basis. For leasing inquiries and rates, contact Joel at 800.700.5107 #711. We currently are not accepting new hangars to manage other than the above listed airports with a asterisk.
"Beautiful craftsmanship. First class job from a first class group!"
-60'x60' owner
Some put you on a hangar wait-list, these guys give you the the keys!
-60'x60' owner
"Kevin and Joel made this process fun! They navigated the lease, permitting, construction all while doing it thru COVID challenges. Kept every promise and a pleasure to work with."
-120'x100' owner
Please email us at or call/text us at 800.700.5107