
We have a variety of aeronautical office solutions to include common use of conference rooms and general premise. We welcome complimentary aviation related businesses, corporate flight departments and more. (BIL)(COD)


We offer every solution for hangar space one could need. Visit with us today to see how we can help. We offer hangars for sale or for lease offered nightly, monthly & annually. (Regionally)

Build to Suit

We offer whats best, not just what we have. We construct a wide variety of aviation projects annually and take pride in  developing in tough to develop markets. (Regionally)
We construct, lease, sell, and manage aircraft hangars. We have filled a unique niche of constructing hangars in the Mountain West states, with a simple partnership between a longtime entrepreneurial FBO manager and a longtime entrepreneurial developer to construct practical, well-built hangars. Pairing our experience has brought about the best hangars so you can benefit from our experience, instead of learning costly lessons on your own. Our model has been keeping the design simple in order to bring you the best product at the best price.  Whether you're an aircraft owner or airport authority, FBO or investor, we'll work to bring the right solution for you. 

for SALE

  • (1)(0) 60'x60' GA Hangar  - SOLD
  • (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
  • LOTS  (additional opportunities - inquire) 

  • (8)(3) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - coming 2025
  • (4)(3) 60'x60' GA Hangar - 
  • LOTS (additional opportunities - inquire) 

  • (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD 
  • (10)(0) 60'x60' GA Hangar - SOLD
  • LOTS

  • (1)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
  • (1)(0) 50'x50' GA Hangar (available) 
  • LOTS

  • (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - one lot left
  • (7)(0) 60'x60' GA Hangar - SOLD
  • LOTS
  • Airport just completed $15mm upgrades and now has a 7600'x100' runway.

  • (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
  • LOTS 

  • (0) 100x100 Commercial Hangar w/ apron - SOLD 
  • BROCHURE (not a Beacon Built/helping an aviation professional)

  • (4)(1) 120'x100' Executive Hangar - SOLD
  • LOTS (lease request in progress)

  • (3)(0) 120'x100' Executive Hangars
  • LOTS

*denotes hangars are complete or in process


CONTACT US or call/text 800.700.5107

**updated 1/23/25

Afton, WY

Billings, MT

Cody, WY

Dillon, MT

Hamilton, MT

Kalispell, MT

60'x60' General Aviation Hangar

120'x100' Executive Hangar

Door Features

We don't speak in marketing lingo... we speak from first-hand experience. We have spent hours researching, buying, installing, and operating different doors over the years, and we believe we have found the best. Installing a brand new door is one thing--operating 50+ years old doors is another. Having owned, managed, and operated hundreds of doors over the years, we have seen the problems which lead to the development of Higher Power doors. Simply put, no cables, no straps, and no latches. The whole thing goes up and the whole thing comes down with fewer moving pieces, leaving you a nicely sealed hangar each time. The benefits include:

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Floor Options

We use the industry's BEST floor finishers that are proven and provide results that our customers rave about. They can provide anything you dream from basic acid stains to epoxy's and polished finishes. You have a logo or brand? They'll put it on your floor too! The process is intricate and experience brings perfection.


We provide a limited amount of hangar space for lease, mostly on a long term basis. For leasing inquiries and rates, contact Joel at 800.700.5107 #711. We currently are not accepting new hangars to manage other than the above listed airports with a asterisk. 


"Beautiful craftsmanship. First class job from a first class group!" 

-60'x60' owner

Some put you on a hangar wait-list, these guys give you the the keys!
-60'x60' owner

"Kevin and Joel made this process fun! They navigated the lease, permitting, construction all while doing it thru COVID challenges. Kept every promise and a pleasure to work with."

-120'x100' owner


Please email us at or call/text us at 800.700.5107